Dan Perrier and his family have been selling water fun since 2005, but his northern business traces back to 1955. What began as a live bait and tackle store when Elvis Presley was starting his career, and Winston Churchill was ending his morphed into a one-stop shop that offered docks and recreation during the Justin Trudeau era. Fishing, boats, outdoor furniture and saunas for hot steam wellness could be found, and now Perrier is eager to add a new take on how to have fun with water – hot tubs. As the owner and operator of Northern Hot Tubs Timmins, he is your local expert for all things that involve leisure time water. Times have changed in Northern Ontario over the decades, but one thing has remained the same in the Kettle Lakes Provincial Park region regarding your trusted destination for all things water, and it can be found at 1008 Riverside Drive in Timmins. You’ve always trusted Dumoulin’s as well as D&L Docks and Recreation. Now, you can rely on Northern Hot Tubs Timmins for all your hot tub needs. Not only does Perrier offer a wide range of easy-to-use plug and play hot tubs built for Canadians, but he’s also your local dealer for the full Northern Leisure line of products that include premium hot tubs, swim spas, and Muskoka chairs.
While nobody in the 1950s knew what smartphones were, country music superstar Shania Twain indeed does. Timmins is her birthplace, and she, like you, can use a cell phone to control a Northern Hot Tub. Hopefully, that impresses you more than a smidge. After working in the local mines for 32 years, Perrier knew the health and wellness benefits of relaxing and playing in, and on the water, that’s why he’s fully invested in his leisure water business and expanded into the hot tub category. Whether you work a hard blue-collar job or not, Northern Hot Tubs can help you relax and unwind after a long day, and ours are all-inclusive, well-built and reasonably priced. Perrier caters to Canadians who live in residential areas or cottages, both are perfect locations for hot tubs. After working for a couple of decades underground, Perrier started working above ground,d doing renovations and construction on the weekends. After helping his aunt build an addition to her cottage and installing his first dock, he was impressed enough with the potential to open his current business that has grown to 14 employees. He spent four years researching the hot tub market and having some bad experiences, he decided to trust the Northern Hot Tub brand calling it a “great business that we are fortunate to have on board.”
There are many reasons why Perrier chose to add the Northern Hot Tub line: they look great online, they are very well made, the pricing is reasonable for the public, and once he and his team met the owners and visited the headquarters, he said “the decision was straightforward to make. They are great people, super organized and that makes a huge difference. If I send them an email, I get a response immediately. No waiting, that’s how we work our business as well.” Northern Hot Tubs Timmins has multiple models on display for you to get a feel for the different sizes and seating arrangements to meet your needs. He’s investing in his long-standing business with renovations and changes that include new floors, new doors and new counters. He understands that his small business is big for the Timmins community of 45,000 people. Northern Hot Tubs Timmins is the newest part of this local destination for all things water and he’s big on customer service. In fact, customers are already noticing the improvements and the hot tubs. They are super happy with the changes to the store: it’s cleaner, more organized and they feel welcome when they walk in. If you’re in the market for a hot tub in Timmins, visit Northern Hot Tubs Timmins. The staff is friendly and knowledgeable and will help you every step of the way – things you won’t find online or in big box stores.